Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Enjoying the sun!

Last week, a few Kids on the Block puppeteers got together to catch up, have fun and hang in the much-awaited sun. Let's hope it comes back soon!

Our volunteer puppeteers are what makes this program so successful! If you're interested in being a puppeteer or know someone who would be a good fit, find out more at the Impact NW website here.

Talking about gangs

Recently, our Kids on the Block Prevention Program at Marysville Elementary hosted Rob Ingram, director for Portland's Office of Youth Violence Prevention. Kids on the Block program supervisor Lynette Jelinek introduced him by reviewing some of the things the students had already learned about gangs and bullying.

Rob spoke to fifth and seventh grade students about how to stay away from the dangers of gangs, drugs and violence. The students had a ton of great questions and learned a lot about what a gang is and isn't, what to do if you're recruited into a gang, and how to keep your distance from going down the wrong path.

As you might know, Portland's gang activity is becoming more of an epidemic. News stories about gang violence like this one and this one are popping up all over the place. As a community, we must stop gang violence and make the choice to stay away from it.

For more information on preventing gang violence, visit: